Thursday, May 15, 2008

Converse X Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain was founder and lead singer to Seattle based rock band Nirvana.he had a rocky career struggling with drug addiction and highly publicized marriage to Courtney Love.Even though he committed suicide his legacy still lives on.Now threw a collection of converse that were designed by non other then Courtney Love her self.The highly anticipated release has been pushed back from May to June.I really like the fact that they have the distressed look like Cobain's own.There are more then two shoes in the collection but these are my favorite....


Herve Leger


Herve Leger dresses seem to be the hottest thing out right now.Everyone and there mother has been seen wearing one of these.Don't let the skin tight appeal fool you .They might run you up a couple hundreds to a thousand and some change.But I must they are pretty flattering.



If you haven't already seen this then prepare yourself."Mark ass buster"(cali accent) ...Suge Knight got his ass beat .Tmz's cameras caught footage of homeboy laid out on the sidewalk bleeding from his scull.Only thing I'm concerned about is the guy whose going to get shot cause of this.tisk tisk.

Blog Abandonment.

Okay, so my poor blog has been abandoned for quite some time now .I had some set back because some technical difficulties with several graphic designers .While that gets worked out I'm gonna just continue posting .I've been having some blog withdrawl so i must post.Bare with me